Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Carey and Lance

I'm Carey Matthews...their Mom. I'am just returning to my job as a nurse after having my baby Charlie. So now I really need the whole family to pitch in every once and a while with Charlie. It's a task their always willing to do. Even if they tend to get a little confused along the way. I keep Lance and the kids in line. I love telling stories about my past. My bigger than life personality equally amuses and horrifies my children, but I am the grounding centre of the Matthews clan and they love me for it.
Lance Matthews... is their Dad. He owns his owner Carpentary business. Lance my look tough... but he's a kid at heart, and he often behaves like one. Lance takes an active intrest in our kids lives, and is very protective and proud of the family. Lance often lets me take care of the discipline stuff, but he has no problem putting his foot down- even if our kids don't listen.

Charlie Matthews... is the newest most adorable member of our family.(But who can forget Blair's little baby, Blaze.) Charlie constantly causes chaos for both Lance and I and her older siblings, but in the cutest way possible. More than anything she loves her rubber duckies... her blankie and strained bananas. Charlie also loves practicing Yoga with me and used to love watching Jason practice his guitar and she even loves cheering Paige on when she's cheerleading. Charlie doesn't know it yet but she's going to need alot of good luck to survive this life and this family.
Dylan Matthews, 14 going on 15, is Paige's wise beyond years younger brother, and a serious trouble maker. Like Jason, Dylan is always out to make a quick buck, but unlike Jason, he constantly succeeds. He was quite content as the youngest Matthew, and then we had Charlie came and apparently stole his spotlight and "ruins" his life. But despite his complaints Dylan is warming up to Charlie- he just doesn't know it yet.
Jason Matthews, 17, was and always will be Paige's lovable, well intentioned but not-so-swift older brother. What Jason used to lack in talent and brains he would make up in enthusiasm, whether it was cute girls, guitar playing in his two-man band he had, or his constant attempts to make money- sometimes even roping in his younger brother Dylan or baby Charlie for help. But he was good-natured and loved his younger siblings... even if he didn't show it.
Paige Matthews,16, is funny, confident, and charming. Paige knows her strengths and doesn't take no for an answer, but can be stubborn when it comes to admitting things she can't do- or is told not to do. She keeps running a blog for Charlie for when she is older, on how to survive all of this and her family. To offer her both lots of wisdom and good luck she's going to need it.

So Charlie my dear baby... which I thank God every day for. I hope this helped you and Good Luck Charlie.
~Carey Matthews~

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